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RoadMap to Full Stack Pro

  1. Frontend
    1. HTML
    2. CSS
      1. Tailwind framework
    3. JavaScript / Typescript
      1. React
      2. Angular
      3. Vue
    4. other clients
      1. chatbot
        1. WeChat Official Account
        2. Facebook Messenger
        3. WhatsApp Bot
      2. AR / VR / MR
  2. Backend
    1. NodeJS
    2. Python
    3. Java / Kotlin
    4. database, SQL
  3. Tools
    1. Git
    2. GitHub
    3. Markdown
    4. IDE
      1. VsCode
      2. IntelliJ IDEA
      3. PyCharm
      4. WebStorm
      5. Android Studio
      6. XCode
  4. DevOps
    1. cloud like AWS, Azure, GCP
    2. CI/CD
  5. and...
    • Critical Thinking
    • writing notes !!!